Welcome to the first module of the CADDRA Introduction to ADHD for Healthcare Professionals Learning Program.
This section is available for free to all CADDRA members.
Module 1 has been approved by the College of Family Physicians, the Royal College of Physicians and Surgeons of Canada and the Canadian Psychological Association for 1.25 credit hours. A CME certificate can be requested upon completion of this module
Non-members will be charged a fee for this module. This fee is $35 CAD per module or $120 CAD for all four modules.

Joan Flood
1. Identify red flags for ADHD
2. Screen for ADHD using clinical tools
3. Diagnose ADHD across the lifespan
4. Distinguish ADHD myths from facts.
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Feel free to post in the ‘Ask an Expert’ forum (look in the left-hand menu) with any questions regarding applying the content of this module to your own practice. You will receive a response from one of our Experts.
This program is fully funded by CADDRA – Canadian ADHD Resource Alliance, and has not received any external financial or in-kind support.
The development and planning of this learning activity was completed by an independent scientific planning committee. Content of this learning program is based on quality scientific evidence.
Dr. Joan Flood
Family Physician, The Shoniker Clinic, Scarborough
Board Member, CADDRA – Canadian ADHD Resource Alliance
Chair, Advocacy Committee, CADDRA
Relationships with financial sponsors
Click for Conflict of Interest Declaration
Honoraria, speaker fees, and unrestricted educational grants from the following companies: Purdue, Janssen Ortho, and Shire. Board Member and Advisory Committee Chair, CADDRA
Any questions about navigating your course can be emailed to stacey.espinet@caddra.ca
Course Content